The West Vancouver Foundation believes in a future that is bright, just and sustainable with the resources to ensure a vibrant quality of life for generations to come. We are a leader in community-based philanthropy, working with individuals, families and charities for maximum community impact.
Give Where You Live is an exciting giving campaign that empowers you to join others in West Vancouver & the North Shore in supporting a select group of local charities. There are a range of partners selected each year with causes ranging from vulnerable seniors to youth, arts to environment, and health & wellness to families.This year’s partners will be announced on November 12, 2024. Check back to learn more about the needs in our community that are being supported by these local charities. Donations are matched by funds at the Foundation, doubling the giving!*
Give to the Give Where You Live Fund and donations will be split amongst this year’s partners. DONATE HERE>>
2023 partners' impact
School Meal Program – $20,783 raised!
Active Play & Youth Leadership Programs – $18,000 raised!
Youth Education Navigator Program – $23,473 raised!
Átl’ka7tsem / Howe Sound Marine Debris Fund – $12,271 raised!
“We are serving the environment and the animals that are harmed from marine debris breaking apart, in particular styrofoam that breaks down and is consumed by marine birds and other animals. The results of this work are serving those who enjoy the marine environment; this includes tourism operators, those who enjoy the beach and oceanfront and any who take pride in our clean shorelines and waters.” – Ruth Simons, Howe Sound Biosphere Region Initiative
Mindful Journey Counselling Program – $16,032 raised!
North Shore Food Recovery Program – $12,150 raised!
Seniors Meal Program – $70,712 raised!
The West Vancouver Seniors’ Activity Centre’s (SAC) meal program began as the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light a genuine need among this community’s most vulnerable seniors, who lacked the means to access regular meals. Once again, the community came out to support the cause with their generous donations which were matched by the West Vancouver Foundation, through the Give Where You Live campaign.
Indigenous Art Trail Enhancement Project – $3,740 raised!
Summer 2024 Community Events – $15,295 raised!
Learn more about the impact community donations had on program>>
2022 partners
Over $195,000 raised for local needs!
One Day at a Time Counselling Program – $24,700 raised!
Avalon Recovery Society, provides completely free, life-changing services to women and families recovering from addiction. Avalon has a wait list exceeding 100 women on the North Shore, waiting to receive counselling support. Donations will help Avalon provide free, high-quality counselling to approximately 115 additional women each month to meet demand.
North Shore Christmas Bureau – $16,485 raised!
The North Shore Christmas Bureau ensures that low-income families, individuals, and seniors living in our community can celebrate the holidays. In 2021, 2,500 people were supported by the program on the North Shore, including 925 children. Family Services of the North Shore has been committed to making deep and lasting impact for 60+ years.
Care Program – $21,631 raised!
Harvest Project provides individualized safety-net services to residents facing challenging life circumstances. Support includes coaching and counseling, a rent bank (interest free loans), food support programs, clothing and referrals. The Care Program engages individuals and families in moving forward from places of serious challenge and dysfunction, to healthier and more whole lives within our community, right here on the North Shore.
Pickup3 North Shore – $17,990 rasied!
Ocean Ambassadors Canada, based in West Vancouver, is connecting our community with the ocean and educating them about marine pollution and ocean health. The PickUp3 North Shore project is part of a growing movement launched so that every one of us can play our part in protecting our ocean, lakes, rivers, forests and more. Your donation will support our team to provide education workshops and raise awareness at beaches in our community.
Supporting Vulnerable North Shore Seniors – $22,220 rasied!
North Shore Community Resources is dedicated to individual and community well-being through facilitating social connections, empowerment and community participation. Their seniors programs goal is to provide a one stop hub of information and services where seniors can be connected to supports that empower them to remain independent in their homes, mitigate isolation, improve community connection, and ultimately increase a sense of well-being.
West Van Seniors Food Security Program – $62,875 raised!
The Seniors’ Activity Centre’s meal program began as the COVID-19 pandemic brought to light a genuine need among this community’s most vulnerable seniors, who lacked the financial means to access regular meals. Feed the Need provides 3 free meals a week to vulnerable seniors (average 85 years or older) who are struggling with food security and without family or community support to help.
Student Leadership Program – $20,590 raised!
365give, based in West Vancouver, has a very simple mission – to change the world one give, one day at a time. They are developing a new Student Leadership program to serve schools and students from grades 5 through university. The program is based on a community service-learning model that will empower learners to give within their school communities, their local communities, and a global issue.
Summer Youth Conservatory – $9,445 raised!
The Kay Meek Summer Youth Conservatory Program is an annual musical theatre intensive for youth from the age of 8 to 18. The mission of the Kay Meek Arts Society (dba Kay Meek Arts Centre) includes providing professional artistic presentations across a variety of disciplines for residents and visitors of the North Shore and Metro Vancouver region.
In Canada, 66% of all charitable donations benefit only 1% of charities. It’s time to change that. The groups featured in our Give Where You Live program are working to transform lives on the North Shore, and make our community stronger and more resilient.
*Until December 31st, 2022, when you donate through our site, your donation will be matched, up to $5,000-$20,000 total per project, by funds at the West Vancouver Foundation, including the Ian and Rosemary Mottershead Fund – doubling your impact!
Are you in the North Shore area and looking for help?
- Are you struggling with addiction? Avalon Recovery Society provides recovery services to women. 604-913-0477
- If you are unable to afford the holidays, Family Services of the North Shore Christmas Bureau is here to help. 604-984-9627
- Facing unexpected challenges? Harvest Project can “extend a hand up” to get through difficult times. 604-983-9488
- Are you a senior in West Vancouver that is lacking the means to access regular meals? The West Vancouver Seniors Activity Centre’s Feed the Need meal program can provide 3 nutritious meals per week to select locations. 604-925-7280
The West Vancouver Foundation is committed to a more vibrant, health and caring community. As a community foundation we provide grants to charities that support those in need on the North Shore.
Caring Community Fund
The Caring Community Fund provides funding to our largest grant stream, the Community Grant program. Community Grants support a wide range of community programs and projects that create connection and belonging for the North Shore community. The focus is on community needs identified in our Vital Signs report, a report that identifies trends and emerging areas of need in our community.
- Donate Online
- Call 604-925-8153
- Mail: 775 15th Street, West Vancouver, BC, V7T 2S9
If you would like to leave a legacy, by providing a gift in your will, find out more here.
Thanks to the generosity of so many in our community – from single donations, bequests in wills, setting up a family fund, donating securities and more, we have been able to make a difference in our community. See some of the impact these donations have made.
- In 2021, 90 grants were made. See our highlights report.
- 138 grants were made in 2020. See the full list of grant recipients here.
- Read about some of the impact stories, from the charities, here.
There are so many wonderful charities serving those in our community. Some have funds at the Foundation and many we have granted to.
- 365Give Fund
- First Aid Ski Patrol Fund
- Harvest Project Fund
- Hollyburn Family Services Society Fund
- Kay Meek Arts Centre Development Fund
- Navvy Jack House Project Fund
- North Shore Keep Well Society Fund
- North Shore Rescue Team: Endowment Fund, Spend Down Fund, Tim Jones Legacy Fund
- North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre Fund
- Paul Sugar Palliative Support Foundation
- Rotary Club of West Vancouver Sunrise Fund
- Squamish Search and Rescue Foundations Fund
- St. Francis in the Wood Fund
- West Vancouver Marine Rescue Society Fund & Scotty Grubb Memorial Fund
- West Vancouver Police Department Fund
- West Vancouver School District’s Enhanced Learning Opportunities Fund
- West Vancouver Senior’s Activity Centre Feed the Need Fund
- West Vancouver United Church Endowment Fund
- West Vancouver Youth Band Fund
- Avalon Recovery Society
- Backpack Buddies
- BC Mountain Foundation
- Big Sisters
- Bridge Festival
- Canadian Iranian Foundation
- Canadian Mental Health
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind
- Capilano Community Services
- City of North Vancouver
- City of North Vancouver Library
- Crisis Intervention BC
- District of North Vancouver Libraries
- District of West Vancouver
- Dundarave Festival
- Enhance West Vancouver
- Family Services North Shore
- Ferry Building Gallery
- Harmony Arts Festival – DWV
- Harvest Project
- Hollyburn Family Services Society
- House of Omeed
- Indigenous Peoples Day Celebration – DWV
- Junior Achievement of BC
- Kay Meek Arts Society
- Keats Camp
- KidSport North Shore
- Lighthouse Park Preservation Society
- Lionsview Seniors Network
- Lookout Housing
- MADD Canada/BC
- Mothers Matter Indigenous HIPPY
- National Indigenous People’s Day
- North Shore Celtic Ensemble
- North Shore Community Resources
- North Shore Disability Resources
- North Shore Keep Well
- North Shore Meals on Wheels
- North Shore Multicultural Society
- North Shore Restorative Justice
- North Shore Stroke Recovery
- North Shore Volunteers for Seniors
- North Shore Women’s Centre
- Ocean Ambassadors Canada
- Pacific Spirit Choir
- Parkgate Community Services
- Pathways Serious Mental Illness Society
- PLEA Community Services – Children of the Street
- Polygon Gallery
- Public Health Association of BC
- Reconciliation Canada
- Red Fox Healthy Living
- School District 45 (Gleneagles Ch’axay Outdoor Hub)
- Sharing Abundance
- Silver Harbour Seniors’ Centre
- Special Olympics BC North Shore
- Spectrum Mothers
- Squamish Nation
- 365 Give
- St Johns Society
- Theartre West Van
- Vancouver Adaptive Snow Sports
- Vancouver Art Gallery
- VanDusen Master Gardeners West Van
- Vets Without Borders
- VSO School of Music, West Van
- Westcoast Family Centres
- West Vancouver Memorial Library
- West Vancouver Seniors’ Activity Centre
- West Vancouver Art Museum
- West Vancouver Community Arts
- West Vancouver Historical Society
- West Vancouver Marine Rescue
- West Vancouver Police Department
- West Vancouver Streamkeepers
- West Vancouver Youth Band
- Zajac Ranch for Children
Featured Charities

Choose from one of our featured charity partners, donate to one of our field of interest funds, or donate to the Caring Community Fund.
Establishing a family fund allows you to customize your charitable giving and improve the lives of others in your community over time.
Ensure your generosity impacts the community for years to come by updating your will to include a gift to the West Vancouver Foundation.