Board & Committees

The West Vancouver Foundation works with highly qualified expert leaders and advisors with a broad range of knowledge and experience. They generously volunteer their time, leadership and financial expertise on our Board of Directors and our committees. Their knowledge and dedication helps shape our work and ensures we remain connected to the community we serve.

board members

Naomi Denning

Naomi Denning


Committees: Investment, Finance & Audit, CEO & Board Development, Youth Philanthropy Council

Darrel Ert

Darrell Ert


Committee: Donor Engagement & Fund Development

John Parker

John Parker


Committee: Finance & Audit

Amanda Calla


Committee: Investment

Laurence Wang


Committee: Finance

Zahra Jenab

Zahra Jenab


Committee: Governance

Margaret Lanthier


Committee: Investment

Jonathan Stewart

Jonathan Stewart


Committee: Investment

Barbora Gaziova


Committee: Finance

Justin Yoo

Justin Yoo


Committees: Grants, Youth Philanthropy Council

Grants Committee members

Justin Yoo

Justin Yoo, Chair


Nancy Farran


Hoon Choi

The volunteer grants committee is comprised of members from the community.  The committee oversees the Community Grants and Give Where You Live Grant programs. 

Carmen Ryujin

Melina Tai

Grace Wong


The primary roles of the Executive Director & Board Development Committee is to attract and grow leadership, both at the ED and the Board levels.

  • Naomi Denning
  • John Parker
  • Carolyn Coleclough
  • Margaret Lanthier
  • Adine Mees

The purpose of the Finance & Audit Committee is to provide financial oversight for the organization including budgeting and financial planning, reporting and internal controls and accountability policies.  

  • John Parker (Chair)
  • Naomi Denning
  • Laurence Wang
  • Barbora Gaziova
  • Alexandra Pearson (Staff)

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to ensure that the Board fulfills its legal, ethical and functional responsibilities. Key responsibilities also include the recruiting and nominating Board directors, evaluating the performance of the board.

  • Zahra Jenab (Chair)
  • Naomi Denning

The role of the Investment Stewardship Committee is one of strategic direction and oversight of the WVF investments.  The Investment Manager is responsible for the operational implementation and execution of the Statement of Investment Policy & Guidelines, which is developed by this Committee and approved annually by the Board.

  • Jonathan Stewart (Chair)
  • Naomi Denning
  • Alison Parry
  • Amanda Calla
  • Margaret Lanthier
  • Dave Mason
  • Merla Beckerman (Chair)
  • Louise Adams
  • Rachel Clearwater
  • Meredith Toward
  • Judy Duncan
  • Anne Langdon
  • Kelly Richter
  • Rebecca Johnson (Staff)

The purpose of the YPC is to improve the quality of life for youth on the North Shore through granting, by encouraging community philanthropy to address changing needs.

  • Angelia Chopra, Grade 10, WVSS
  • Ella Van der Werff, Grade 12, Collingwood
  • Emma Chunn, Grade 12, Mulgrave
  • Frank Lu, Grade 12, Mulgrave
  • Lola Cabral, Grade 12, Mulgrave
  • Noa Dadon, Grade 10, Sentinel
  • Shirley Xu, Grade 11, Lions Gate Christian Academy
  • Zara Pejman, Grade 11, Collingwood
  • Naomi Denning (Board Liaison)
  • Justin Yoo (Board Liaison)
  • Rebecca Johnson (Staff)

The purpose of the Vital Signs Advisory Group is to provide guidance on the Vital Signs report from a community perspective. The group is being reworked for 2024.

Past board members

Since the Foundation was formed in 1979, many wonderful community leaders have served on the Board of Directors. 

Peter Ackhurst, Director

Kassem Aghtai, Director

Tom Allison, Director

Robert Annable, Director

Tom Baillie, Chair

Mark Ballard, Director

Merla Beckerman, Director (Honorary Governor)

Robert Bentall, Director

Peter Bogardus, Director

Patricia Boname, Mayor (Honourary Director)

Helen Boultbee, Director

Jim Boyd, Director

Barbara Brink, Director

Brooke Campbell, Director

James Cameron, Chair

Craig Cantlie, Director

Jim Carphin, Director

Colleen Cattell, Director

Naomi Chard, Director

Malcom Clay, Director

Stuart Clyne, Director

James Dixon, Director

Margie Driscoll, Director

Keith Duncan, Director, Chair

Mohammed Faris, (Honorary Director)

Nancy Farran, Director, Chair

Nassreen Filsoof, Director

Peter Finch, Director

Margaret Forsyth, Director

Donald Gardiner, Chair

Robert Gayton, Director

Marjorie Gibson, Director

Pamela Goldsmith-Jones, Mayor (Honorary Director)

Brayden Gordon, Director

James Green, Director

Catherine Greyell, Director

Frank Griffiths, Jr., Founding Director

Ann Hamilton, Director

Bill Harvey, Director

Byron Hender, Chair

Gordon Holley, Director

Charles  Hopkins, Founding Director & Chair

Gerry Humphries, Chair

Derrick Humphreys, Mayor & Founding Chair

Bill Hyndman, Founding Director

Stephen Hynes, Director

Patricia Jarvis, Director

Geoff Jopson, Director, Chair

Don Lanskail, Mayor

Ray Leeden, Director

Wendy Lisogar-Cocchia, Director

Chris Loat, Secretary

Carol Ludvigsen, Director

Claire Lynch

Barbara MacDougall, Director

Kristin MacMillan, Director

David Mathieson, Founding Director

Cowan McKinney, Director, Chair

Stuart McLaughlin, Director

Philip Mcleod, Treasurer

Barbara McMillan, Director

Dave Mason, Director

Kay Meek, Founding Director

Bruce Milley, Chair

Sara Mohamadkhani, Director

Ed Moul, Director

Coleen Nemtin, Director

Liisa Ohara, Director

Jennifer Orum, Director

Robert Paterson, Treasurer

Fanny Patterson, Director

Mary Pattison, Founding Director

Keith Pelletier, Director

Les Peterson, Director

Tim Porteous, Director

Richard Rees, Director

Ken Rekrutiak, Director

Martin Roberts, Director

Frank Robertson, Director

Paul Robillard, Vice-Chair

Gordon Rowntree, Founding Director

Ron Royston, Director

Mark Sager, Mayor (Honorary Director)

Shirley Sager, Founding Director

Don Saunders, Director

Azad Shamji, Director

Pat Shannon, Director

Michael Smith, Mayor (Honorary Director)

Audrey Sojonky, Director

Peter Speck, Director

Ann Sturrock, Director

Judy Summers (Okazaki), Director

Gary Sutherland, Director

Doug Taylor, Director

Rob Travers, Director

Peter Van Drimmelen, Director

Richard van Liempt, Director

Helen Vanee, Chair

Jo-Ann Wood, Chair

Ron Wood, Mayor (Honorary Director)


Thank you to all past Board Members for your time served at the Foundation.