Grant Program: Community Grants 2024
Funded by: Howard Martin Memorial Fund, Joshua Goos Memorial Fund, Bonnie J McLaren Memorial Fund
For 20 years, Hollyburn Community Services Society has been providing a continuum of holistic and unique services to youth, individuals, and families who face social vulnerabilities across the North Shore.
We offer shelter from the streets through our youth and seniors safe houses, and our three youth transitional programs for homeless youth prepare the youth to live independently. We assist youth in two employment programs, one that focuses on the trades, and our Youth Education Navigator program that supports youth to access and excel in post-secondary programs. This past year over 100 youth participated in our Hockey and Summer Heroes program, designed to keep youth in school. We offer specialized services for individuals and families who have experienced violence and we offer free-trauma informed counseling.
The North Shore Youth Safe House (NSYSH) is a voluntary, multi-component youth-centered resource for youth aged 14 to 18. Located on the upper floor is a four-bed, short-term emergency crisis intervention for homeless youth. Located on the lower floor is the NSYSH Transition Suite Program, a two-bed semi-independent resource that helps prepare youth for independent living.
The NSYSH provides a safe and supportive environment that ensures each youth’s basic physical and social needs are being met. With these needs now being met, youth can begin to make positive changes within their own lives. NSYSH staff use evidence-based approaches to ensure best practices with youth served. These include but are not limited to Family Models, and Integrated Case Management. Using an Integrated Case Management approach, the NSYSH provides resources and services that meet the unique and individualized needs of each youth.
The NSYSH is committed to delivering efficient and effective services by supporting youth in returning to family/extended family, accessing transitional supports, and connecting to community professionals/agencies and organizations. These long-term supports are then able to offer youth assistance in healthy transitions, acquiring a healthy balanced lifestyle, and making positive contributions within their community.

The Numbers
In the past year, the North Shore Youth Safe House NSYSH served a total of 74 clients, 40.7% were male, 52.5% were female, 6.8% were transgendered, 1.7% two-spirited. The program was able to offer support to a young mother who gave birth to a premature baby in North Vancouver. The mother had access to Lion’s Gate Hospital for required frequent feeding. Of the youth, 11.9% of the clients were self-referrals, 58% were referred by government-based professionals such as social workers, probation officers or law enforcement, 23% were referred by community-based professionals such as youth workers, family support workers, other safe houses, and school counsellors, 7% were referred by other resources. 100% of the youth transitioned into housing with 7% going to treatment.