We support your charity's needs
Ease of administration, increased returns, reduced risk
A permanent fund with the West Vancouver Foundation can be a powerful tool that enables your organization to have greater impact over time. Planning for the future of your organization means planning for growth and for a permanent and stable source of income.
Working with our community and investment experts allows you to focus on providing the services of your charity instead of the administration of donations.
Ease of administration, as the West Vancouver Foundation handles donation receipts and prepares fund statements. And, if requested, we can work with your board and staff on specific reporting needs. A low administrative fee covers all services.
Increased return and reduced risk as a result of pooling your investments
- Gifts are placed into your fund and combined with other funds in the foundation’s investment pool. Over time, earnings from your fund are distributed to your organization to address your most pressing needs and to help you grow.
- We handle all of the administrative details – including investment management and help in specifying grant disbursements, so that your organization puts assets where they are needed most.
Knowledgeable partner on trends in philanthropy and issues in the community
- In-depth understanding of community trends (including the Vital Signs work) and how the outcomes can inform your strategic development of your programs.
- Invitation to participate in various workshops and the Annual Giving Review.
- Promotion opportunities via our website and social media channels, foundation events and publications.

Some of charities and non profits that already have funds at the West Vancouver Foundation include:
- North Shore Rescue
- Harvest Project
- Howe Sound Biosphere
- West Vancouver Football Club
- Hollyburn Family Services
- Kay Meek Arts Centre
See the full list of our funds here>>