Bonnie J McLaren Memorial Fund
Grant Program: Community Grants
Organization Overview
The objective of Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society is to recruit and train sufficient volunteers to provide all cancer patients in need with safe, timely transportation to and from the treatment facilities. To ensure that happens, as an all-volunteer, community funded society we have developed and implemented funding strategies to keep the service viable now and into the future.

During the first 11 months of 2023, our volunteer drivers, using their own vehicles, provided 1,876 complementary trips for 120 North Shore cancer patients to and from their essential treatments. Each patient required 16 trips on average. During that period drivers covered over 38,000 km.
During one of the most challenging periods in a person’s life, we ease the physical, emotional and financial burden for cancer patients and their families and ensure patients can attend all their treatments. Having assured transportation with a trusted, empathetic and caring driver during debilitating treatment is a major comfort to patients coping with this life-threatening disease.