Out and About Club

Capilano Community Services Society

Funded by: Ian and Rosemary Mottershead Fund

Grant Program: Community Grants 2022

The primary objective of this program is to provide a variety of engaging social activities to directly address social isolation and the resulting negative impact on health and wellbeing.

Additionally, we address financial, transportation and language barriers, that may preclude individuals from participating in other mainstream social programs, by offering our program free of charge, providing door-to-door minibus transportation, and where possible staff/volunteers assist speakers of English as a second language in their first language, i.e., Farsi. Removing barriers directly addresses issues of inclusion and promotes a strong sense of belonging, for our participants.

Furthermore, as our staff develop relationships with participants, they are able to identify additional programs and supports which may be beneficial, and make appropriate referrals as needed.

We had already built strong relationships with these residents, with additional funding in 2022 we were able to provide much-needed continuity in the lives of these individuals. With the financial assistance from the WVCF we are able to continue offering these seniors out trips, such as lunches out together on our mini-bus, trivia afternoons with pizza and/or snacks, holiday meals and gift baskets (40+ “Helping Hands” gift baskets filled with “extras” over the holidays). Door drop lunches and grocery store gift cards were provided to some of the residents who were unable to attend the out trips (due to immobility or health issues). This has helped these vulnerable seniors to be more socially active and give them a sense of belonging.

"Humans are driven to be part of something greater than they are...the simplest expression of this desire is our need to be connected to our families, friend groups, and community."

“When we heard at Christmas time that many of the residents at Sunnyside could not afford the cost of the annual Christmas Lunch for the residents (organized and subsidized by Vancouver Coastal Health) we decided to cover the cost of the subsidy, this enabled those that could not afford the cost the chance to also enjoy a holiday celebration with their neighbours thus getting a number of them out of their suites and down to the amenity room to enjoy the celebration. For many of them this would have been the only holiday “party ” that they would attend. This was very much appreciated by the residents as well as Vancouver Coastal Health.”

The goal was to enhance social connectedness and belonging, for individuals from marginalized groups who experience social, economic, and/or other barriers to accessing other mainstream programs. We have helped these vulnerable seniors to be more socially active and give them a sense of belonging.