Micro & Leadership Grants

West Vancouver Foundation supports charitable organizations working to create and sustain a healthy and vibrant West Vancouver, where everyone is valued, contributes and feels they belong.

Micro Grants provide responsive support for smaller charitable initiatives that support the North Shore community. The grant is to be used for time limited projects or events that will benefit the community at large. Typically Micro Grant funding has been used for things such as unbudgeted marketing for an event, or other smaller expenses. 

Apply by December 1, 2025.

If you have questions about Micro Grants, please contact Denise Howell

"Working together on a big project really inspired and energized the girls. It was a great example of teamwork and leadership, as they filled buckets with soil for others to carry and as the older girls helped the younger ones get the holes dug and the plants planted."
Daphne Hales
Girl Guides West Vancouver District