Give Where You Live Grants 2024

does your charity support local needs
in our community?

Give Where You Live is a community-giving campaign that creates an opportunity for individuals to learn more about the needs and causes in our community, and support the charities that serve those needs. Each year we work with 8-10 local charities and for every dollar donated, we’ll match it (usually up to $10,000). 

Want to learn more? See the Sep 18th presentation slides here>> 

Or watch the presentation here>>

Last year over $192,000 was raised for the 9 partners!

Donations made by the community, through the West Vancouver Foundation, are matched by funds at the Foundation. The recommended goals are between $10,000 – $50,000. 

You will be notified if you have been selected to participate in this year’s campaign by the end of October.
The campaign will go live, to accept public donations, November 12 – December 31, 2024. 

An organization is eligible to apply if it serves the West Vancouver Community, is a registered charity or qualified donee with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and hasn’t received the Transformation or Major grant in the past.

An organization that is not a registered charity wishing to apply for funding from the Foundation, may consider developing a formal and genuine partnership with a registered charity whose mandate is similar. The registered charity would apply for funds for the proposed project and receive the funds on behalf of the partner. The CRA requires this relationship to be set out in writing, signed by the charity and organization doing the charitable work. Click here to visit CRA’s website for more details.

Organizations that support those on the North Shore and do not have any overdue follow-up reports outstanding are eligible to apply, provided they meet the below criteria.  Preference will be given to those that did not participate in last year’s GWYL campaign. If you did participate in 2023 please submit your Impact Report prior to October 1st, 2024. 


  • Must be charitable in nature;
  • Fall within the Field of Interest Areas as listed on the application (1-2 programs per area will be selected);
  • Must be for the benefit of the North Shore community including West Vancouver;
  • The charity partner should promote the campaign, mentioning the matching component and GWYL URL. E.g. in your own newsletter, social media, press, etc. A promotion kit will be provided.
  • The program/need should be specific, easily identifiable and understood by the public to ensure it can be clearly communicated and preferably will resonate well at the holiday season.

There is a simple application to fill out, on our online grant portal. To apply:

  1. Create an account or login to our online grant portal.
  2. At the top, click on ‘Apply’.
  3. This brings you to the ‘Apply’ page. You will see our current grant programs and can click on the blue ‘Apply’ button in the Give Where You Live 2024 section.
  4. Fill out the application and submit.

Staff may contact you to discuss your application or to set up a site visit. The Grants Committee will meet to recommend partners for this year’s campaign. By the end of October you will receive an email notifying you if you are selected. 

Impact in the community

Thank you to the 175+ donors that donated to last year’s Give Where You Live campaign! To see the impact your donation, and others’ donations, had in our community, visit our Impact Page. 

Past results

In 2023 there were 9 partners and over $192,000 was raised. In 2022, 8 charities participated and over $195,000 was raised thanks to funds at the Foundation and the 175+ donors in the community. Learn more>>

The West Vancouver Foundation is a community foundation that was founded in 1979 by a group of West Vancouver residents that wanted to inspire and steward local philanthropy, for local benefit.

Do you have supporters that want to make a gift to your charity for long-term support? Consider opening a permanent or endowment fund at the West Vancouver Foundation.  A permanent fund with the West Vancouver Foundation can be a powerful tool that enables your organization to have greater impact over time. Planning for the future of your organization means planning for growth and for a permanent and stable source of income.

Learn more>>