West Vancouver United Church is one of the oldest Churches in Canada celebrating a 100 years this year. The Church is an extremely busy place. Due to the lack of meeting space in West Van, we host many groups in our building from the Scouts/Guides to mandarin learning groups, yoga, Toastmasters to dance groups just to name a few. Over 40 different groups meet in the Church.
This summer, the Picnic of the Century was held to celebrate. Picnic tables were set up, closing down Esquimalt from 20th to 21st. We reached out personally to the many groups who use the Church to ask them to bring their picnic basket and come join us on Saturday, June 22nd. We also reached out to the Church across the street, our neighbours, SAC, the community centre, the Lawn bowlers and the Library. All of these groups are neighbours to the Church and are a part of our community.
We feel when people come together face to face to share a meal connections happen. This event was to create connections among our many community friends. Knowing one another better creates better understanding.