Project leader Suezette had the idea to create West Vancouver’s first free dog library. Similar to the free book libraries seen in many communities, but this one would contain things for dogs.
“I see so many people walking with their dogs, that I thought it would make walking the dogs and meeting around people easier – a friendly way to get to know who are your neighbours are.”
Suezette applied for a Neighbourhood Small Grant and used the funds for the weather proof library, plaque, and promotion to let neighbours know about it and of course a celebration for the official ‘launch’. A local pet store and the SPCA donated many of the items to get it started.
“It’s just a place that is all about dogs. People love dogs,” she said. “It’s a place where the dog can be safe while the owner is looking for something new for the dog or just to make the dog happy, because, ultimately, if the dog is happy, the owner is happy.”